Thursday evening at 5:51 pm Portland Fire & Rescue was called to help a dog that had fallen into a hole in the backyard of 5120 SE 104th Ave. The hole appears to be an old well or cesspool. The hole is approximately 15' deep and 2' across. Portland's Engine 11 (Lents) arrived and determined that specialized resources were required to safely rescue the dog.
Portland Fire's Trench Rescue Team was called in, to free the dog. These incidents present rare training opportunities for the team. All units remain available to respond should a human need rescuing.
Ground pads were placed around the hole to prevent further collapse and firefighters were able to secure the dog using an animal restraint pole and a rope. The dog was then lifted from the hole. The dog; a male, named Frito was reunited with it's owner. Frito appears uninjured after being in the hole for just over an hour. The hole has been covered over until it can be assessed and permanently filled.
Contact Info: Lt. Damon Simmons, Media Pager (503) 940-6003